Do You Ever Expose Yourself in Public?


Image by Still Unique Photography

I’m trying to be more transparent, more authentic, and live in alignment with my true self…. and it is harder than I thought it would be. First, I have to discern the true me that lies buried in a myriad of misbeliefs, then I have to give myself permission to be myself, and finally I have to find the courage to expose myself in public. My ego likes to be the one in the forefront and keep the real me hidden. To do this, it uses guilt and fear. It tries to convince me that being me is selfish, especially when it doesn’t please others, and that what other people think of me is of vital importance. But I know intellectually that those are not true. Now, it is just a matter of going out there and doing it, actually exposing myself and being authentic to prove to the rest of me that I won’t get arrested.

So, how do you feel about exposing yourself in public?

Out On A Limb

Aqua opal jeweled bug hangs from a branch of an evergreen tree.

Image by Still Unique Photography


Sometimes in order to move forward, we have to go out on a limb. These experiences tend to be a bit frightening because we are way beyond our comfort zone. We are in unfamiliar territory and we aren’t at all sure about the outcome. We usually imagine it can go one of two ways. Either we come crashing down, because the limb broke (or we just couldn’t hold on any longer), or we become comfortable with the limb and feel ourselves moving onward and upward. Our egos will tell us with 100% confidence that we should stay far away from limbs because bad things can happen. But our hearts will tell us to “go for it” because it will be for our highest good, regardless of the outcome. So, the next time you are faced with this choice, what will it be… limb or no limb?